Thanks to all participants for making the 2017 ICAHM Annual Meeting in Bagamoyo, Tanzania a success!

In 2011 ICAHM began an Africa Initiative “The Potential Role of the World Heritage Convention, ICOMOS, and ICAHM in African Archaeological Site Preservation and Economic Development” geared towards identifying sites with potentials to be included in the World Heritage List thus increasing the number of World Heritage Sites in Sub-Saharan Africa to balance it with other sites in the world.
Therefore, we are now happy to hold the 2017 ICAHM meeting ‘Sub-Saharan Africa and International Trade Routes’, under the patronage of UNESCO and the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), for the first time on the African continent, at the commercial capital of Tanzania on the shores of Indian Ocean in Bagamoyo/Dar es Salaam.
The emphasis of this meeting will on Trade Routes to and from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Rest of the World, the Africa Initiative,Conservation and Sustainable use of Paleoanthropological Sites, World Heritage Sites as Sources for Sustainable Development and Digital Technologies.
Humphrey Nyambiya, Barpougouni Mardjoua, and Ashley Maganzo (2018). ICOMOS International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) 2017 Annual Meeting: A Review. International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology | IJSRA, (4), 166–172
Conference website