New Members

ICAHM is excited to welcome new members who have joined since 2023 and we are pleased to share some information on our new additions!


Name: Mètowoui Hospice KLEGBO
Membership Category: Associate member

My name is Metowoui Hospice KLEGBO, Beninise archaeologist and currently student on the field “Museums management and protection of cultural and natural heritage sites” in EAST-SIBERIAN STATE INSTITUTE OF CULTURE (Russia Federation). I’m also currently ICOM, ICOMOS member andea EPWG Africa (Emerging Professional Working Croup) cover (to start January 2025). I focused my research in archaeological heritage management in West Africa.
I am a Master II student in Museum Management and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites at the East-Siberian State Institute of Culture (Russian Federation). I have a degree in Archaeology from the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Abomey-Calavi (Republic of Benin, 2021) and a university degree in Russian language and culture as part of the Beninese-Russian scholarship program (2022-2025).
Since 2020, I have participated in several archaeological expedition and excavation campaigns as part of research and preventive excavation projects in southern Benin and the Russian Federation.
My interests include: heritage management, world heritage protection, sustainable development, climate change, GIS, ICT, tourism and cultural entrepreneurship. I am a member of ICOM Benin, ICOMOS International (elected member of the new Executive Board of ICOMOS Benin, since September 21, 2024) and EPWG Africa (member of the Executive Board, starting from December 2024).
Researcher profile :

Name: Marcio Henrique Francisco de Souza
Affiliation: ICOMOS Jovem Brasil
Membership Category: Associate member

I hold a degree in Biological and Environmental Sciences from Fundação Educacional de Além Paraíba and am currently a student of History at Faculdade de Venda Nova do Imigrante (FAVENI) and Law at Fundação Educacional de Além Paraíba (FEAP). I have completed several postgraduate courses in areas such as Archaeology and Heritage, Archival Science, Forensic Sciences, Social Sciences, Political Science, Anthropology, Special Education, Neuropsychopedagogy, Art History, and Library Science. Additionally, I hold a certification in Diversity and Social Inclusion in Human Rights from the University of São Paulo (USP). My comprehensive academic background reflects a strong commitment to education, culture, and heritage preservation, particularly in the local context.

I work as an administrative assistant at the City Council of Estrela Dalva, in the sector of Culture, Cultural Heritage, and Tourism, where I also serve on the municipality’s Equity Technical Committee. With extensive experience in environmental and cultural policies, I am the President of the Municipal Council for Cultural Heritage and the Municipal Council for Culture, as well as the Vice-President of the Tourism Council of Estrela Dalva, Minas Gerais, Brazil. I have participated as an extension researcher in the Archaeological and Cultural Mapping of the Zona da Mata Mineira at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora and collaborated in extension activities at the Museum of Archaeology and American Ethnology at the same institution, reinforcing my dedication to the preservation and promotion of the region’s historical and cultural heritage.

Name: Andris Kairiss

Affiliation: Vice-Chair of the Community on Illicit Trade in Cultural Materials of the European Association of Archaeologists

Membership Category: Expert Member

Andris Kairiss received his Bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1999, Master’s degree in sociology in 2002, Bachelor’s degree in Public Law and Lawyer’s qualification in 2006 and a PhD in Economics in 2024. He has served/ worked in public institutions (mostly in law enforcement (Lt.-Col. ret.), project and administrative management, analytical and strategic planning field, management and protection of cultural heritage), as well as in private and non-governmental sector. Since 2008 Andris has been actively participating in cultural (incl. archaeological) heritage protection and its socio-economic development related projects, research, training and other activities. He is an author of about 30 scientific publications and a presenter at more than 75 scientific conferences, seminars and workshops, Andris is also an organizer and moderator of a number of scientific events, workshops and training courses in the field of protection and socio-economic development of cultural heritage.  

 He has received several awards from Latvian, foreign and international institutions. His research interests relate to the protection and socio-economic development of tangible cultural (esp. archaeological) heritage, as well as the interaction aspects between economics and law in the field of cultural heritage. Andris is a member of ICOMOS, European Association of Archaeologists and Latvian Society of Archaeologists.

Name: Tse Siang Lim (Australia)
Membership Category: Expert Member

I’m an archaeologist and historian. Originally from Singapore, I’m currently based in Brisbane, Australia working full time in the cultural heritage management sector.
I specialize in the history and archaeology of Southeast Asia from prehistory through to the pre-colonial period, with a theoretically-orientated research interest in analysing settlement patterns, social complexity, political economy, material culture and technology, trade and exchange through the study of Southeast Asian and Chinese trade ceramics found in the region. I have, and still continue to collaborate with my Southeast Asian and international colleagues in various archaeological projects in Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. I am also interested in archaeological theory, and have come to develop an interest in lithic artefacts from my experience working in cultural heritage management down under as well.
Having spent over ten years in academic research, I have also accumulated a wide range of experience from undergraduate tutoring and field excavations to laboratory management and publication projects. With considerable experience working in Aboriginal cultural heritage management in Australia over the last decade, I am also highly proficient in delivering high quality cultural heritage mangement advice, assessments and recommendations to achieve equitable outcomes for all stakeholders across a diverse range of projects and environments.
I have also held various leadership appointments in a heliborne and amphibious infantry rifle company whilst serving mandatory military service in the Singapore Armed Forces over a span of eight years (2003-2011).

Name : David Cortez GODOY

Affiliation: Professor at the University of Chile and the University of La Serena (Chile)

Membership Category: Expert Member

Architect from the University of Chile with a Master’s degree in Architectural Heritage Intervention (Universidad de Chile), currently pursuing a PhD in Architecture, Heritage, and City (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain), specializing in archaeology of architecture (Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma EEHAR – CSIC). Partner at the architecture and heritage management firm Arquitika in the city of La Serena, Chile. Undergraduate and postgraduate professor at the University of Chile and the University of La Serena.

As a researcher, his lines of investigation focus on the study of archaeological sites with architectural components, particularly historical mining sites in the Atacama region in northern Chile, through territorial, stratigraphic, and constructive analysis.


Name:  Dr. Jihon KIM
Affiliation: Chief of the Division of the International Cooperation Programmes at the Korean National Commission for UNESCO (Republic of Korea)
Membership Category: Expert Member

Dr. Jihon Kim is Chief of the Division of the International Cooperation Programmes at the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, where she has worked for the last 15 years, taking charge of work concerning international cultural heritage conventions as well as managing various international research and development projects. She has taught heritage law and policy at Sungkyunkwan University and Konkuk University as an Adjunct Professor since 2016, and conducts research on conflicts over heritage issues at Seoul National University as a Research Fellow in the Institute of International Studies.She is a former Research Fellow at the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), and has served as a diplomat at the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO, and a Public Legislative Officer (Culture, Sports and Tourism) at the South Korean Ministry of Government Legislation. She received her B.A. in Archaeology and Art History, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in International Studies from Seoul National University. Currently, she is Visiting Scholar at the Harvard University Asia Center as a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow. She has written many books and articles on international cultural heritage law and civil society, including, most recently, the book "Non-State Actors in the Protection of Cultural Heritage" published by Springer.

Name: Islam Ahmed Ghareeb, MA
Affiliation: Ministry of Tourism (Egypt)
Membership Category: Expert member

Islam had a background and expertise in heritage management and international initiatives. He is a PhD candidate in Heritage Management and Museums Studies and has an MA in Management of Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites and Tourist Valorization. Islam has knowledge of and experience in project management, archaeological research, capacity building, heritage sites management, project coordination, and tourism valorization. He also has expertise in archaeological aspects of World Heritage nominations and monitoring programs as well as the development and application of professional standards in archaeology and cultural heritage management.

Name:  Alexandra VIEIRA
Affiliation: Professor at the Department of Arts and Humanities, School of Communication, Administration and Tourism – Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal)
Membership Category: Associate

Bachelor in History, Archaeology branch, 2001; PhD in Archaeology (Faculty of Arts of the University of Oporto – FLUP) in 2015. Between 2001 and 2003 she collaborated with several archaeology companies, where she performed functions related to the study and safeguard of the archaeological heritage.
She is currently Professor at the Department of Arts and Humanities, School of Communication, Administration and Tourism – Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, institution where she began working as a guest assistant, in 2003.
Her research interests include: building Cultural Heritage Databases; Archaeotourism; Landscape Archaeology, Place Names, Folklore, Oral Tradition; Prehistory; Ethnography; Social and Biological Anthropology; Social Memory; Oral History; Modern and Contemporary Archaeology; Cultural and Archaeological Management.

Name:  Muriel JOYEUX
Affiliation: Consultant expert en conduite de changement et gestion de projets (France)
Membership Category: Associate

Après des débuts en cabinet de conseil, Muriel Joyeux travaille actuellement dans le secteur bancaire en tant qu’experte en conduite de changement et gestion de projets. Titulaire d’un Master International en Business Administration (Paris/Tokyo/San Francisco) depuis 1985, elle est également auditeur de l’Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale (2004). Ses activités bénévoles l’ont amené à être réserviste citoyenne dans la Marine Française en tant que Capitaine de Frégate (2007/2018) et secrétaire du Conseil Scientifique d’Europa Nostra pendant une dizaine d’années jusqu’à sa dissolution en 2018. Elle est toujours membre à vie de cette association, membre d’ Icomos France depuis 15 ans et secrétaire générale adjointe du Bouclier bleu France. Sur le plan du patrimoine Muriel Joyeux s’intéresse plus particulièrement à l’archéologie, à la préservation et au management du patrimoine en cas de conflit ou catastrophe et de trafic.

Name:  Dr. Merve ÇALIŞKAN
Affiliation: Architect, Conservation Specialist, Metropolitan Municipality of İzmir (TURKEY)
Membership Category: Expert Member

Merve Çalışkan is a conservation architect with a PhD. Degree from the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage Department of Izmir Institute of Technology. Her dissertation focuses on integrating the archaeological sites with urban life in metropolitan cities with the case of Agora of Smyrna in Izmir, Turkey. She received her master's degree from the Restoration Department of Middle East Technical University, with a thesis entitled “A study on Reusing the Bouleuterion of Teos”. She worked as a conservation architect in the archaeological excavation projects of Teos, Nysa and Sagalassos in Turkey in 2012 and 2013. She has been working at the branch office of Historical Environment and Cultural Properties at the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality since 2014. She has coordinated public projects regarding the architecture, conservation and management of the archaeological and urban heritage in the historical city centre of Izmir. She took a role in the preparation of the nomination dossier of the Historical Port City of Izmir, which is on the Tentative List of WHS. She participated in the international workshops and symposiums of cultural heritage such as the workshop in Novi Sad held by Europa Nostra Serbia in 2018, and the ICOMOS Workshop in Azerbaijan in 2023. She was in the organisation team of the ICOMOS ICLAFI Symposium in Izmir in 2022. She attended the ICCROM Course of Managing World Heritage: People Nature Culture (PNC23) in 2023. Her research activities include the subjects of the cultural heritage management, especially the physical and social integration aspects of the archaeological sites located in the city centres.

Name:  Dr. François NGOUOH
Affiliation: Enseignant Chercheur à l’Université de Yaoundé 1 (Cameroun)
Membership Category: Expert Member

Dr François NGOUOH est titulaire d’un Ph D en Archéologie obtenu en 2021 à l’Université de Yaoundé 1 (Cameroun) et d’un Master Professionnel en Développement, option Gestion du Patrimoine culturel, obtenu en 2011 à l’Université Senghor d’Alexandrie (République arabe d’Egypte). Il est enseignant-chercheur au Département des Arts et Archéologie de l’Université de Yaoundé 1. Il est par ailleurs chercheur associé à l’UMR 208 « Patrimoines Locaux, Environnement et Gouvernance » (PALOC) de l’IRD-MNHN (France). Ses travaux de recherche portent sur les dynamiques culturelles dans le littoral atlantique camerounais durant l’Holocène.

Il a participé à de nombreuses missions de terrain, à des projets de recherche et de sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel au Cameroun et en Europe. Au Cameroun, Il a fait partie de l’équipe qui a réalisé le sauvetage du patrimoine archéologique sur les sites de construction de la centrale thermique de Dibamba (2008), la centrale à gaz de Mpolongwé-Kribi (2010) et du barrage de
Nachtigal-Amont (2015 – 2022). En France, il a participé en qualité de technicien de fouille au diagnostic et aux fouilles préventives sur le site de construction de la Mégazone de Illange dans le Département de la Moselle (2012 et 2014). En Allemagne, il a fouillé la villa Gallo Romaine du site Reinhiem dans le Saarland (2014). Il a participé, en 2012, à la mise en place de du volet
muséographie de l’exposition consacrée aux vestiges provenant des fouilles effectuées sur le site de Bliesbruck-Reinheim. Il a collaboré à la mise en place de la signalétique du Parc archéologique de Bliesbruck-Reinheim. En 2014, il a fait partie de l’équipe de démontage de l’exposition des objets provenant des opérations de fouille préventive de la Ligne à Grande Vitesse de l’est de la France ; présentés au Parc archéologique de Bliesbruck-Reinheim dans le
cadre d’une exposition itinérante.

Dr François NGOUOH est le Secrétaire Général du Comité National d’ICOMOS Cameroun, Membre Expert du Comité de l’ICOMOS pour la Gestion du Patrimoine archéologique et membre co-fondateur du Centre de Recherche et d’Expertise (CREX), association de droit camerounais à but non lucratif qui se consacre à la recherche, la formation, la valorisation et la promotion des patrimoines naturels et culturels.

Name:  Dr. Noel Hidalgo Tan
Affiliation: Senior Specialist in Archaeology, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Art (SEAMEO SPAFA)
Membership Category: Expert Member

Noel Hidalgo Tan is the Senior Specialist in Archaeology at the SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts in Bangkok, where he works to promote the archaeology of Southeast Asia by building capacity among regional archaeologists, finding ways to engage the public about archaeological and cultural heritage, and conducting archaeological research. His main research interest is in the rock art of Southeast Asia, where he spent his postgraduate work documenting sites in Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. His recent projects include rock art documentation in western Laos and southern Thailand; the protection of regional underwater cultural heritage; archaeology, tourism and the protection of Southeast Asian cultural heritage sites; and developing future capacity in regional archaeology education in Southeast Asia. He is the managing editor of the SPAFA Journal ( and runs an online resource website on Southeast Asian Archaeology (

Name:  Dr. Ahmed Fatima Kzzo
Affiliation: Director of the Prevention of Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property project at the American Center of Research (Jordan)
Membership Category: Expert Member

Dr. Ahmed Fatima Kzzo  received his Ph.D. in ancient Near Eastern archeology from the University of Rome “Sapienza” and holds a certificate in heritage protection from the Association of Research into Crimes against Art (ARCA). He is a consultant for cultural affairs at the Scandinavian Human Institute in Geneva.
Dr. Kzzo has led projects to preserve and document cultural heritage, such as the Ottoman-period inscriptions in Aleppo, work funded by the Syrian-Turkish Inter-Regional Program for Cooperation (2008–2010). He conducted research on cylinder seals of Ebla (Syria) at the universities of Bern and Zurich
in Switzerland and the Columbia Global Center in Amman (funded by the Mellon Foundation). He lectured at Potsdam University (Germany) on cultural heritage and identities in the Middle East. He also worked at the University of Rome “Sapienza,” where he supervised graduation projects for students in the
Department of Tourism Science and the Department of Archeology. Many scientific journals and periodicals have published his papers. Currently, he is working on the Norman kingdom through the medieval Arabic manuscript of Idrisi.

Name:  Dr.  Jorge Otero
Affiliation: research-fellow at the University of Granada (UGR, ESP)
Membership Category: Expert Member

Dr. Otero holds a Ph.D. in civil engineering from Sheffield Hallam University (UK). He specializes in the characterization of archaeological materials, their degradation phenomena, and the development of technologies for their conservation. He is now the PI of the Horizon2020-funded NANOMORT-project. Before joining UGR, he was a postdoc researcher at the Getty Conservation Institute (USA), an intern at the Smithsonian’s Museum Conservation Institute (USA) and the Institute of Conservation (ICON, UK). He is a member of ICOMOS, Blue Shield and coauthor of the open-access “Built Heritage Evaluation Manual” published by the Smithsonian Scholarly Press.

Name:  Dr.  Fariz Khalilli
Affiliation: Leading Researcher, Institute of Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Membership Category: Expert Member

Fariz Khalilli graduated from the History Faculty of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University named after Nasraddin Tusi. He graduated from the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University in 2003 with a master’s degree in ancient world history. Under the guidance of Academician Naila Valikhanli, he defended his dissertation “Archaeological materials of the Museum of Azerbaijan History as a source in the study of Azerbaijani history (from antiquity to the IV century BC)” in 2007 and received the title of candidate of historical sciences (Doctor of Philosophy in History). During 2002-2011, he worked as a researcher and department head at the National Museum of Azerbaijan History. In 2010-2022, he was the chairman of the “Miras” Public Association for the Study of Cultural Heritage. In 2015-2020, he managed the “Medieval Agsu Town” Archaeological Tourism Complex on a voluntary basis on the basis of a protection agreement. In 2019-2020, he managed the Basgal State Historical and Cultural Reserve of the State Tourism Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 2020-2022, he managed the State Historical and Cultural Reserve “Medieval Agsu City” and a teacher at the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts. From March 3, 2021, he is the mayor of Gagali Municipality. From August 15, 2022, he is the Leading researcher of Institute of Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. He excavated in Medieval Shabran City, Medieval Agsu City, Ancient Gabala City, Nargizava Necropolis, Demirchi Necropolis, Shikhmazid Sufi Khanqah, Basqal Sufi Khanqah, Avakhil Sufi Khanqah, Kelekhana Sufi Khanqah, etc. Currently, Fariz Khalilli is working on his post-doctoral dissertation “Khanqahs as a source in the study of the History of the Shirvanshah State.” You can follow Fariz Khalilli on