ICAHM, the ICOMOS International Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management, is very pleased to have been able organize this Annual Conference on Standards for Archaeological Heritage Management in the PR China. We have found that contacts between archaeological heritage managers from western countries and from China are still quite limited while at the same time an exchange of expertise is highly valued. Where best practices in archaeology are concerned, both sides have much to offer. Of course there are challenges such as the language barrier, but this can increasingly be overcome as was shown by the meeting in Jishou from 20-23 October 2014.
When ICAHM received an invitation from Jishou University, we were therefore very happy to accept it. The fact that the meeting could actually take place is also due to the invaluable assistance from ICOMOS-China, who provided crucial help in co-organizing this meeting with us.
ICAHM 2014 Annual Conference Report